Wednesday, May 21, 2008

some news

With one of our team continuing to be unwell... we are having to 'scale' down what will still be an amazingly creative long weekend! The weekend costs will be 'scaled' down accordingly... I'll let you know when I Know :-)

As I type we are working on an alternative to workshops which will give you some freedom to create what you want to create... when you want to create it!

There will still be fireworks on the Saturday night (as long as the weather's OK) with maybe some champers by firelight after... there will still be some cool creative company, a make & take or two, demo... and if there's any profit it will go to charity (we are working on a charity fundraising alternative).

I have been informed that Stampin Up is coming to this retreat also but more info to come...

I think it's less than 6 weeks away now...

To register your interest by paying your deposit go here the advertised price for each option will be less... but Andrea's still recovering & her big wee boy started school today - Happy Birthday Morgan - so I'm not going to annoy her by asking her to change it immediately... besides I want Elsie Forrest in the shop.... gotta get my priorities in order here ladies!
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1 comment:

Twobees said...

Have to agree with the Elsie Forrest, rather divine isn't it?
Wow 6 weeks to go, wahooo, getting closer now.